RENO Refractories, Inc. manufactures a complete line of monolithics, including conventional and no-cements to the state-of-the-art Electrocast™ technology that offers the lowest permeability of any product on the market today. In addition to shotcretes, gunning mixes, and pumpables, RENO offers a complete line of mortars and ramming mixes. Together with their independent research and high quality precast engineered systems, RENO strives to work with their customers in solving their most demanding applications.
Light Weight Gunnites
1900°F x 35 lbs/ft 3 to 2800°F x 110 lbs/ft 3
High Cement Dense Gunnite
2200°F to 3000°F
Low Cement Gunnite
Abrasive Resistant Gun Abrade Series, 60 / 70 / 85%Alumina
Abrasive Resistant Super Gun Abrade Series, RTG / LTG/ LTMG
ASAP Gun Series “Fast Fire”
Alkali Resistant – Zircon and SIC containing
Ferrous and Non Ferrous metal contact resistant
Gun SP-92, 92% Alumina + MGO Spinel Containing
No Cement, @ Component Colloidal-Silica Gunnite, “USA Patent #8,784,943”
Mullite, Bauxite and High Alumina, Silicon Carbide, Fused Silica, Fused AZS and Magnesite Based
50% to 90% Alumina
High Alumina with 7 to 10% Chrome Oxide
High Alumina with 5% to 16% Silicon Carbide
85% Silicon Carbide Fine Grained for Waste Incinerator Over studs
50%-99% Fused Silica
10-33% Zircon 5-10% SIC
NC Mag Gun for Cement Transition
NC Hot Gun Series, Fused Silica, Silicon Carbide
No Cement, Dry Phosphate Gunnite use water
Mach Gun 60 P / Mach Gun 90 P (Hot Gun Repairs)
High Cement Castables
50-97% Alumina
Light Weight Castables
1900°F x 35 lbs/ft 3 to 2800°F x 110 lbs/ft 3
Low Cement / Ultra-Low Cement Castables, Shot-Crete USA Patent #5,628,940
Mullite, Bauxite and High Alumina, Silicon Carbide, Fused Silica, Fused AZS and Magnesite Based
40% to 98% Alumina /Vibro-Cast, Pump Cast, Shot-Crete
40% to 98% Alumina / Metal Contact and Industrial for Alkali Loading
60% to 90% High Alumina-Silicon Carbide
50% to 90% Silicon Carbide
Andalusite + 25% Silicon Carbide
Fused Alumina – Zirconia – Silicates
92% Alumina + MGO Spinel Containing
Phosphate Bonded Castables, Quick Setting
Starset 60P /Starset 65 (Liquid Phosphate Acid)
LiquiBond 60 / 86 / 90% (Liquid Phosphate Acid)
NoCem 50% to 92% (Dry Phosphate Acid – add Water)
ElectroCast™ / ElectroPump™ / ElectroShot™, Newest Technology utilizing electro-chemical bonds
Less water / lower permeability / lower porosity / lower abrasion values
Higher density / higher hot strengths / best thermal shock resistance
Mullite, Bauxite and High Alumina, Silicon Carbide, Fused Silica, Fused AZS and Magnesite Based
70% to 99% Alumina, / Metal Contact and Industrial for Alkali Loading
8% – 22% Silicon Carbide
Vitro Silica / Fused Forsterite / Fused Magnesite / Alumina Chrome Oxide
Aluminum Contact Castables
AluSHIELD 45 / 60 /65 / 70 / 85
AluSHIELD NC 65 / NC 70 / NC 85 / NC 808 SC
Plastics and Rams
Air Set Plastics and Rams
48% -90% Alumina
Phosphate Bonded Plastics and Rams
50 – 95% Alumina
55% to 90% + Tabular / Chrome Oxide
80% Silicon Carbide for Stud Water Pipes
Resin Bonded Plastic and Rams
Resin Bonded High alumina + Silicon Carbide (Cupola and Iron)
Tap Hole Clay
Blast Furnaces Single Hole / Multi-Hole + Ferro Silicon Furnaces
Mortars, Putties, Plasters and Coatings/Release Agents
Phosphate Bonded and Air Set
25% – 95% Alumina Silicate
5%-30% Chrome Alumina Phosphate
50-90% Silica Based
Zircon/ Silicon Carbide
Coatings/ Release Agents
ElectroCoat™ Vapor Shield / 75 SiC / SP, “low temperature bonding with super low permeability”
RENO Coat IT AL – 90% Alumina/ Colloidal coating for Non-Wetting Metal Applications.
Slag Pot Release Agents – RENO ICE mullite based no carbon low to no free silica.
Slag Pot Release Agents BlakICE LS – Low Silica, Mullite and Carbon, BlakIce #2 Silica and Carbon